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700PM – Jackie – 1km row, 50 (45lb) squat thrusters, 30 pullups – for time
                Dave Hsu pulled an 8:00 Jackie – I need to try to keep up, haha!

830AM – [2] – 2 string cheeses, 1 cup pineapple, 12 almonds
1000AM – [2] – zone bar **stacked 830/930 meals so close b/c I didn’t eat in the morning. 
                  I was going to eat 4 blocks at 830 but decided to stretch it out a bit.
1230PM – [3] – 4 cups of spinach, 1.5 oz gorgonzola, 1.5 oz balsamic vinagrette,
                 2 oz turkey, 1 orange **I started out w/3 oz of gorgonzola and was going to
                 make it a 4 block meal, but I underestimated how much gorgonzola that
                 was.  It was very overpowering so I scaled it back to 1.5 oz and turned the
                 4 block meal into 3.  It just means I’ll eat a 2 or 3 block meal at 330
                 instead of 430…
330PM – [2] – 2 oz turkey, 1 c pineapple, almonds
430PM – [2] – zone bar
630PM – [2] – 2 string cheese, 1 PB sandwich
900PM – [4] – 6 oz tuna, 3/8 avocado, 1 c pineapple, 1 orange

** skipped Jackie today – I am going to take a break from CF/o-lift until saturday  to see if my shoulder gets better.  I’m going to let my legs rest a bit too – I don’t want to get too burnt out.  Besides, I’m headed to Park City this weekend – hopefully I’ll be able to complete a WOD out there… otherwise i’ll have to scale everything to be just legs…

Bodyfat/Caliper breakdown – for tracking purposes-
Bi – 3mm
Tri – 5mm
Sub – 16mm
SI – 9mm
——Total –> 33mm, 26 yr old, 13.8% + or – 2%

~ by apexaddict6 on February 3, 2009.

One Response to “Jackie…”

  1. didn’t feel too bad yesterday; today’s another story, plus i’m feeling a little sick since the good weather yesterday was like a false sense of security (after the 5:30 WOD it got colder). Def feeling hungrier today, but def matching it as well as hydrating. Sub 8 should be fine with those butterflies, haha!

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