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645AM – [2] – zone bar
930AM – [2] – 2 string cheese, PB&H
1100AM – [4] – 4 c spinach, 1 c grape tomatoes, 1 slice wheat, 6 oz tuna, 3/8 avocado, 1 orange
         no dressing – forgot it at home… salad isn’t the same when it’s dry…
400PM – [4] – 6 oz tuna, 3/8 avocado, 1 orange (shorted myself 2 blocks of carbs on accident
730PM – [2] – 1 string cheese, 1 PB sandwich (shorted myself a block of protein on this one
         to share w/ Slow @ the UCLA game
1100PM – [2] – 2 string cheese, orange, almonds – i know it’s late, but i’m starving and just
         got back from the UCLA/USC game.  Did I mention that we rock?? 

**No workout today – I’m going to take at least today (wednesday) through friday morning off – at which point I will be snowboarding at Park City half-day on Friday, then potentially doing a WOD at CF Park City Saturday morning before snowmobiling in the afternoon, and then snowboarding Sunday – and probably rest monday and tuesday again.  I’ve got a doctor’s appointment for my shoulder on Monday, so we’ll see how that goes.  I just need to get it rested and healed so I can start building strength in it again.

~ by apexaddict6 on February 4, 2009.

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