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7PM Crossfit:

WOD: AMRAP in 20 min of – 
 – 7 DL @ 1.5x Body Weight (255lbs)
 – 7 pullups
RESULT: 7 rounds 

** The deadlifts were tough – they require a lot of energy, and were definitely the hard part of the workout.  According to Nathan I pushed the limit of keeping my back straight without rounding. I also did a butterfly kip – though I couldn’t keep it up.


700AM – 4 block meal (2 cups grapes/blueberries, 1 cup cottage cheese, 27 almonds)
1130AM – 4 block meal (1 slice wheat bread, 1 cup pineapple, 4 oz turkey, 1/2 avocado)
400PM – 4 block meal (1 slice wheat bread, 1 cup pineapple, 6 oz salmon, 1/2 avocado)
830PM – 5 block meal (1 1/3 cups peas, 1/2 cup carrots, 5 oz lamb chops)

by the end of the night, I didn’t feel like I needed to consume the extra fat other than what the lamb chops were cooked in.  I spent the rest of the night making zone chili – they are portioned out into 4 block meals w/ 1/2x the fat.  I just need to heat and add some fat – or supplement with almonds.  I haven’t prepared lunch/food for tomorrow, but I will probably grab some turkey, an avocado and some fruit.  I have canned salmon and tuna as backup @ work (along with some mixed veggies in a can)


~ by apexaddict6 on January 21, 2009.

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