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Park City and a doctor's appt…

So I left Friday morning to head to Park City… it was an AMAZING trip.  We flew in at 9am (after running into Eric, Vanessa, Kyle and Sarah from CF at the airport), got picked up by the shuttle and made it out to the slopes for lunch at 11 or so, and were on the slopes for a good 3-4 hours on Friday, followed by another 3 hours in the hot tub and some time out on the town.  It’s Davonses Pizza, not Pizza and More, as we like to call it… Saturday morning was CF PC, working out w/ Chris Spealler, followed by 4 hours of snowmobiling (check fb for pictures), another 3 hours in the hot tub, a steak bbq, and multiple stints in the sauna (where I proceeded to burn my throat breathing in air that was too hot.  HAH.)  Sunday was a full day of boarding, made it back to the plane in time, and knocked out.  Somehow made it home for Monday morning…!

Let’s not go over how/what was eaten or was drunk while in SLC.  I tried not to cheat too bad… but it was still basically a cheat weekend…

Monday after work, I went to see the doctor about my shoulder.  He suspects I have microtears in one of the major ligaments in my shoulder along with the internal inflammation associated with it… While it’s not an actual tear, it typically needs 6-8 weeks of rest before healing.  Considering I’ve already given it 3-4 weeks, he said to give it another 4 weeks of complete rest.  What does that mean? no overhead anything, no pullups, no deadlifts, no pushups, no back squats/front squats (those require my shoulder to stabilize), no working on muscle ups… conversely, it means more run work, more air squat/box jump work, and more cycling.  I just need to make sure I don’t overdo it on the knee.

Monday was back to zone, but I didn’t record everything, as the beginning of the day was crap and hectic, and I think the only thing I ate before lunch was 3 zone bars – probably one at 730, 930 and 12.  Doc’s appt at 2, followed by a salad from green st at 430 right before cf at 5, diner at home at 830…

I DID, however, do Annie on monday.  I really really suck at double unders, so this one took me a while.  Freaking Vanessa… walks up to me in the middle of my workout as i’m struggling with the double unders… do you even want me to time you…? hahaha

~ by apexaddict6 on February 9, 2009.

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