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600PM – 3 x (800m run, rest 1/2 run time, 800m run, 15 GHD situps,
                              60′ of walking lunges) (30:18 – i think)

715AM – [2] – 1 PB, 2 oz beef jerky
1030AM – [2] – 3 oz salmon, 1/4 small avocado, 1 fuji apple
1230PM – [4] – 8 oz spinach (measured to be 1 block), 1 c grape tomatoes, 
        3 oz turkey, 6 pecans (crumbled), 1 oz blue cheese, 1 oz balsamic vinagrette,
        12 asparagus spears 1/2 c pineapple.  SO. FILLING…
530PM – [2] – zone bar – was going to do beef jerky and an orange… but I can’t
        find my beef jerky!! wth!?
730PM – [2] – zone bar – needed something immed. post workout
845PM – [4] – 12 asparagus spears, 1 bell pepper, 1 orange, 6 oz broiled salmon
        handful of pecans.

**So I managed to do all my running today without stopping at all… which is amazing for me, b/c before, while doing 400m runs, I would stop every now and then… My first set of 800’s was 3:00 and 3:00 – the two fastest 800m’s of my life.  I knew I couldn’t keep that pace up, so I slowed down the second set, to 4:00 and 4:00.  I didnt want to slow down that much, but it kept me from having to stop.  My last round, I did 4:00 and then 3:30 – knowing I was almost done helped… what didn’t help was the 60′ of lunges after the runs.  That and the GHD’s.  My abs are sore ALREADY and it’s only been 3: and a half hours since.  Time to sleep.  *ZONK

~ by apexaddict6 on February 10, 2009.

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