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rest day

Workout: REST

Nutrition: part cheat
– 700AM – 2 string cheese, 1 PB sandwich
– 1000AM – 2 oz beef jerky, pecans, 1 orange
– 130PM – Engine Co #28 Meatloaf w/ spinach, sub veggies
        for mashed potatoes.  Semi-cheat
– 500PM – Happy Hour @ Wokcano – beer + sashimi (no fats avail. to add)
– 800PM – Cafe Stella for LA Food Club – chicken & vegetables, a couple fries
        and 2 glasses of wine

**needless to say, yesterday from the afternoon on was basically a cheat meal.  I feel it already by the end of the night, i’m sure the next morning I will fully realize the havoc that was wreaked on my body today, hah.  gotta get that cheat meal in…!

~ by apexaddict6 on February 12, 2009.

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