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Happy hour…

Workout:  Happy hour… what to do at happy hour?  I’m trying to figure
      out what I’m going to do tonight.  Jose wants to do HH at 6, and he
      and Joe want to do the cherry tomorrow morning… AND follow it up
      with sprints and tabata squats.  decisions, decisions
*** Krystal (a WOD I made up after Krystal – legs and stomach of another world…) AMRAP, 20 min – 5 GHD situps, 10 box jumps, 15 walking lunges.  15 rounds.  harder than imagined, lol. 

Nutrition: back on the zone
– 700AM – [2] – 2 string cheese, peanut butter sandwich
– 1000AM – [2] – 2 oz beef jerky, 12 almonds… did i forget the carbs…?
– 1230PM – [x] – dim sum – John Kamm in town 
– 700PM – [2] – 2 string cheese, 1 c grapes
– 900PM – 2 slices zelo’s artichoke pizza w/ sausage + mixed greens 

** since I’ve come back from Utah, I feel more tempted to cheat.  I think part of it is laziness  in wanting to prepare meals.  I need to re-read Greg A’s diary of a tupperware man and get remotivated tonight.

~ by apexaddict6 on February 13, 2009.

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