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Modified cherry + sprints

– 4 x (1 min GHD/Back Extensions, 1 min box jumps, 1 min squats
          1 min jumprope) – modified cherry for the shoulder
 – 10 x 200m sprints – 90 seconds of rest

– 830AM – [4] – 4 egg whites, 1 egg, 1 string cheese, 1 PB sandwich
         1 orange
– 1200PM – [4 ish] – 3 egg omelet w/ spinach, onions, bell peppers
         and brie, 1/2 waffle, 1/2 slice of cornbread
– 500PM – [4] – 6 oz tuna, 1 PB sandwich, 1 orange
-1000PM – [4] – CCC Combo wrap, 1 pita bread
-1100PM – 4 beers. tastayyyyy

** I thought the cherry workout was tough… then Joe and I went to the track to do the sprint training after lunch… that was impossible.  I thought my legs were going to fall off and that I was going to fall flat on my face while running.  Good baseline, but MAN… I could taste my heart.  it was almost in my mouth, yeesh.  glad I didn’t get over 40 seconds though!  Times below:

       Joe:                                       Jer:
35.8, 39.9, 41.6                        35.2, 34.1, 35.3
42.1, 42.2, 44.0                        37.5, 38.1, 38.9
43.3, 47.0, 45.8                       39.2, 39.3, 39.7
 FINAL: 43.4                           FINAL: 37.5

~ by apexaddict6 on February 14, 2009.

One Response to “Modified cherry + sprints”

  1. […] Jose did 20 x 100m’s and Patrick did 5 x 400m’s – results below.  Compare to previous 10 x 200m’s.       – today was going to be a 2x a day, but I wasn’t paying attention to when I […]

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