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2/15 & 2/16


Workout: TBD @ CF tonight – the WOD calls for cleans & pushups, both
          things I shouldn’t be doing yet…
** Modified the workout from AMRAP in 20 of 10 HSC’s @95lbs + 15 pushups to AMRAP in 20 of 200m run/sprint + 15 situps.  Just as hard (for me at least), 10 rounds.

900AM – [2] – 2 string cheese, apple, 15 almonds
1230PM – [4] – 8 oz spinach, 1 oz blue cheese, 3 eggs, 1 oz balsamic
          vinagrette, 1 banana
400PM – [2] – 1 egg, 2 egg whites, 1 PB sandwich
730PM – [5] – 1 apple, 1/2 orange, 12 spears spinach, 2 c green beans,
          4 oz lean pastrami, 1 string cheese, oil in cooking, handful of pecans 



Workout: rest, slight jog @ Road Runner Sports & a little dancing @ Mountain Bar

1000AM – [4] – 3 egg omelet w/ a slice of cheese, 1 slice buttered wheat
           and a tiny bit of hash browns
200PM – [2] – 1 orange, 12 almonds, missed protein
400PM – [4] – 1 c milk, 2 scoops protein, PB sandwich
800PM – [4??] – Hop Li for Dave’s birthday.  Ate almost all vegetables and
           dabbled in the meats.  Topped off with some awesome cake.  Ok, let’s
           call it a cheat meal… Had a few beers after for Wu’s birthday.

~ by apexaddict6 on February 16, 2009.

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