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2/17 – Back Squat attempts

Workout: Mainsite WOD is a heavy squat clean workout… I’m going to see if my shoulder will let me do at least a heavy back squat workout (heavy squat cleans are for sure a no-go.  I couldn’t do them yesterday without a twinge in my shoulder at the bottom of the front squat position). 
*** Worked out at 24 hour fitness today instead of heading out to CF – just seemed pointless to drive out there to do a WOD that no one else was going to be doing.  So I went to 24, put on my o-lift shoes and did my heavy back squats.  There are so many people doing things incorrectly there, and I found that, while talking to a few, some liked getting pointers, and others didn’t.  And still others would listen and pretend like they knew everything already, but would adjust things as they continued.  I wouldn’t mind being a trainer or getting certified so that I would actually feel comfortable fixing everything on people as opposed to just giving them pointers as they’re doing things…

Back Squats (7×1) – 245, 265, 285, 295 (PR), 295 (fail), 285, 290
           – attempted 295 one more time afterwards, didn’t make it… 

700AM – [2] – zone bar
945AM – [2] – 2 string cheese, 1 orange (short on fats)
1230PM – [4] – 8 oz spinach, 1 oz blue cheese, 1 oz balsamic vinagrette,
          1 banana, 3 oz lean pastrami
500PM – [2] – 2 string cheese, 1 PB sandwich
700PM – [2] – zone bar
800PM – [4] – 1 large bell pepper, 4 egg whites, 2 oz turkey,
          1 c grape tomatoes, 1 c blueberries 

**Yesterday, I ate 15(?) blocks? I was a few short, but didn’t feel hungry.  Went to sleep at 11, up at 6 – right around my 7 hour average.  I wonder if I would feel better getting 8 hours as opposed to 7.  May have to try it, as I’m headed more often to the 6pm xfit instead of the 7pm xfit now that I’m meeting Jose out there.  I get home earlier, in time to make dinner and eat by 830 or so…

~ by apexaddict6 on February 17, 2009.

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