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600AM – 5k run (6 big block loops, 1 driveway sprint & back)
** It was cold this morning for the 5k, but it was a good 5k nonetheless.  It felt like it had been a while since I had gone to the Academy, and with dropping people off @ Mt. Wilson tonight, I was pretty sure I was going to miss happy hour tonight.  So I sucked it up and went to the 6AM, deciding to do something that I hate to do in order to get full use out of whatever constantly variated functional movement from my busted shoulder.  Didn’t check ALL my mile splits, but the first mile was done in 7:18, which… without going at full intensity was already a PR… the second 2 miles I estimate at just under 7:30, seeing as how doing them AT 7:30 left me 36 seconds to do the last 200m, which… although I can do it, I don’t think I ran fast enough to do it in 36.0.  Total time on the 5k – 22:54.  New PR for me.  =D

530AM – [2] – 2 string cheese, 1 PB sandwich
715AM – [2] – zone bar
1100PM – [3.5] – 12 oz milk, 1.5 scoops muscle milk light (8 oz  milk
         + 1.5 scoops MML = 2 carb, 3 protein), 1 PB sandwich (1/2 carb over)
200PM – [3] – grilled vegetable salad w/ chicken
830PM – cheat meal @ Zelo’s 

[6A/(missed HR @ 5AM)]

~ by apexaddict6 on February 20, 2009.

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