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After 2x a day last friday, 4 games of basketball over the weekend, 2x a day monday, plus tuesday and wednesday – I’m looking forward to giving my body as much rest as possible… and chow down on my zone chili I made last night.  It kept me up until midnight, but it should be worth it.  Maybe I’ll cheat a little and go to happy hour after work with some people.  Either way, it’s back at it tomorrow morning!

700AM – 2 block snack – Almond Zone Bar, no time for breakfast this morning
930AM – 3 block snack – protein shake & PB/H
100PM – 4 block meal – zone chili + almonds
415PM – 2 block snack – ~2 oz turkey, 1 orange, 15 almonds
800PM – 5 block dinner – 4 blocks of chili, 12 almonds, 1.5oz grilled lamb chops
                   1/2 piece of whole grain corn bread (good stuff, mom!)


Thinking of hitting the gym (24hr) to shoot around and hang out.  Haven’t seen the people there in quite a while.  Wonder if it’s the same people, and wonder how close everyone is getting to where they want to be…

**passed on 24 tonight – didn’t feel like making the drive solo, so I’m watching the Laker game, browsing the web, playing with my new phone, and getting ready for 6AM tmr.  O-lift in the AM… what to do in the PM…? Thinking about doing Linda, Helen, or Randy – in that order…


~ by apexaddict6 on January 22, 2009.

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