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– climbing benchmark – Joe, Steph and I went around and did a couple hills for the purpose of calculating benchmarks on certain hills and using a simple power output calculation for comparison purposes between Joe and myself.  The 2 climbs were Stunt Rd (longer climb ), and Dry Creek Cold Canyon [Mulholland to Mulholland] (a sub 10 min climb, a cycling ‘sprint’ known as 7 min hill).  We used the altitude gained and combined weight of the person and bike (Joe – 68.18kg + 8.63kg; Jer – 76.36 + 8.18kg) as our basis for work completed… it broke down SOMETHING like this:

STUNT (320m vertical gain):
Joe (76.81kg)- 22:22, 183.15 watts
Jer  (84.54kg)- 24:40 , 182.78 watts

DRY CREEK (103m vertical gain- not as steep or long as Stunt):
Joe – 9:20, 141.28 watts
Jer – 9:30, 152.77 watts 

Stunt was steeper AND longer than Dry Creek – Joe has better endurance when it comes to longer climbs, but my power output is higher than his on the shorter climb, even though I finished after him.  He had a ‘homecourt advantage’ on Dry Creek, knowing how to ride it and when/where to hold off and where to hammer.  Joe says that IF I knew the road and how to plan for the finish, I probably would have taken him.  Either way – this is the benchmark – hopefully we’ll get a chance to do it again before we get to the start of the KOM series.

– followed up cycling with 2 basketball games at 24 hour fitness in LA on Slauson with co-workers as practice for our Staples Center invitational league.  It was fun, felt good to run… Couldn’t quite shoot the long ball b/c of my legs, but made some good passes, and hit a bunch of midrange jumpers.  Legs were there for strength, just not for the shot.

– 730AM – [2] – 2 string cheese, 1 PB sandwich
– 830AM – [2] – zone bar
– 1000AM? – [2] – zone bar (top of stunt)
– 1200PM – [2-ish] – PB sandwich – no protein
– 230PM – [2] – zone bar (after hooping)
– 500PM – [2] – 2 oz turkey, 1 PB sandwich
– 700PM – [?] – pseudo cheat meal – sushi, but easy on the rice 


~ by apexaddict6 on February 22, 2009.

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