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Modified Hopper Punisher?  We’ll see what I can sub out for the actual punisher come CF time tonight…
 – Ended up doing the Punisher (10, 9, 8… 1 of 135lb Squat cleans, each followed by a 200m run) subbing out the 135lb squat cleans with 185lb back squats, due to my shoulder.  18:31 – my legs are shot.  bigtime. 

700AM – [2] – Zone bar
900AM – [3] – 6 egg whites, 1 banana, 12 almonds
1230PM – [3] – 1c grape tomatoes, 2 large bell peppers, 4 oz lean pastrami, 1 tbsp PB
               – 1 extra block of protein
430PM – [2] – zone bar
630PM – [2] – zone bar
800PM – [1] – zone bar (noticing a theme today?)
900PM – [3] – 1 large bell pepper (orange), 4.5 oz salmon, 12 spears asparagus,
               1/4 PB sandwich 


~ by apexaddict6 on February 23, 2009.

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