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030209 – FGB sub

**Workout: something subbed for FGB.  I’m extremely disappointed that my shoulder is still unable to press and receive weight in the overhead position.  Pain has subsided for the most part while in a resting position, but full extension still causes discomfort.  I was looking forward to attempting Fight Gone Bad again – since the last time I did it was at the grand opening party. I was just short of 300, but with my improved fitness (metcon and strength with the exception of my shoulder as of late), I was hoping that the next time I did FGB I’d be able to hit the 300 point mark.   FGB is – 3 x (1 min 75lb push press + 1 min box jump + 1 min 75lb SDHP + 1 min 20/10 wall balls + 1 min row + 1 min rest).  The score is the combined number of reps (or calories for the row).  It’s meant to simulate a MMA fight gone bad, and it definitely is a painful/great workout…  How do I sub something in similar to that…??

**so I did a ‘Fight Almost Gone Bad’ in which I did the above workout, but with 135lb back squats, 1 arm kettlebell swings (yel/whi), back extensions, double unders, and box jumps.  it was basically FGB, and I was completely spent.  The rounds looked like (20, 20, 20, 4, 25), (12, 20, 20, 7, 15), (15, 15, 20, 23, 26) – I finally got the double unders… may have to try it again sometime.  TOM came back from Laos yesterday and made it out to FGB today.  Then he, jose and I did a kipping pullup video… see?


– 700AM – [2] – zone bar
– 900AM – [4] – 1/2 c cottage cheese, 1 banana, almonds and cashews
– 1200PM – [1] – 1 string cheese, 1/2 PB sandwich
– 130PM – [4] – 6 oz tuna, 1 yellow squash, 2 zucchini, peanuts to follow (so full…)
– 600PM – [2] – 2 string cheese, 1 apple, 6 blocks of peanuts
– 800PM – [2] – zone bar
– 900PM – [2] – 1 lean chicken/apple sausage, 1 bell pepper, 1/4 zucchini, almonds 

**I still feel pretty beat/dehydrated/exhausted from yesterday’s bike ride + 2 bball games.  My legs are shot, my pee is dark, and I’m worried about cramping, haha… I need more work before KOM…!

~ by apexaddict6 on March 2, 2009.

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