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Happy Hour: 1st attempt – 3BoD

Today is Friday, and Friday means… happy hour at the academy.  Pick and choose what you want to work on… ready… set… GO!  except one thing.  With my new phone, I somehow seemed to have messed up on the alarm.  You’d figure that I’d set up a backup for it – but I didn’t.  For some reason I just assumed I would get the alarm right the first time.  Sure enough, it doesn’t go off and my regular alarm goes off at 6am to go to work.

My schedule on Fridays changed last week, and what I’d like to be doing is going at 600AM to do O-lift, shower there and drive to the train station for work… then drive back from the train station after work, do the 600PM happy hour and go out and eat and relax or go out for Friday.  I guess I get the second part of that today.

At 600PM, I will be attempting Linda, a.k.a. the 3 bars of death.  It is as follows:

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 of each –
1.5x BW deadlift
BW benchpress
.75x BW clean

I have to verify whether they are power cleans or full cleans, but I would imagine that they’re full cleans.  After all, the workout IS called the 3 bars of DEATH…

**update: so they were full squat cleans.  My 1st attempt was a fail.  My shoulder was giving me pain again doing 135lb benchpresses, so I didn’t even try to go up to the 170lb BP.  I DID, however, scale linda and complete her.  I did everything as RX’d without the benchpresses – and it STILL took me 37:42.  I really need to work on those deadlifts…!!


700AM – 2 block zone bar
900AM – (3-4 blocks)1 cup oatmeal, 1 cup milk, 1 scoop protein (2 blocks), almonds 
                 *I am a block short on protein to make it a 4 blocker.  I may eat less oatmeal
                   so that I’m at a 3 block meal.  For some reason I thought it was 1/2 cup of
                   oatmeal instead of the 1/3 cup.
1230PM – cheat meal @ Zucca’s w/ coworkers- Ahi Tuna Salad, 1 glass of red wine,
                   a handful of cheese/garlic bread
530PM – 2 block zone bar
800PM – cheat meal @ Lucky Baldwins – double cheeseburger w/ avocado, some fries
                   and 3 beers.  mhmmmm so good.  back to the zone tomorrow! 


Quote of the day:  ‘If you do nothing, nothing will happen, and nothing will change.’

(cheats + 7)

~ by apexaddict6 on January 23, 2009.

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