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030409 – Ballin'!!

– 715PM Bball game @ Walnut Rec
– today is a heavy day at CF – perhaps I’ll hit up 24 afterwards to get in a
        day of heavy… back/front squats, or try my shoulder at deadlifts…

– 730AM – [2] – zone bar
– 1000AM – [4] – 2 lean chicken apple sausages, 1 PB sandwich, 1 orange, almonds
– 200PM – [4] – 2 lean chicken apple sausages (I bought the costco pack…!!) 
            1 PB sandwich, 1 c blueberries, almonds/peanuts as needed.  I need to start
            figuring out exactly how much fat I want to be consuming and measure as
            needed.  Having a bag of almonds in front of me is not going to help… 
– 645PM – [2] – zone bar
– 830PM – [4] – spider roll & salmon sushi, easy rice… the sushi chef hooked it up
            w/ the salmon too…! 

[6.5C/72] – it was the beer/sake last night, plus my first standard workout in a few weeks.  I still have lashes from trying to do double unders…

~ by apexaddict6 on March 4, 2009.

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