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030509- Rest day

-Rest Day-

– 645AM – [4] – 2 chicken apple sausages, 1 PB sandwich, 1 apple, a few almonds
– 1100AM – [2] – zone bar
– 100PM – [4?] – salmon & spinach crepe
– 500PM – [2] – 1/2 grilled cheese sandwich + beer
– 700PM – 2 carb blocks (beer)
– 800PM – [2] – zone bar 
– 930PM – 1 chicken apple sausage, 1 cheese roll, 1 v8
**not the best nutrition day, fell off as… well, a pseudo cheat day, I guess… 

** so I got shafted on the tab at happy hour today.  We went to a new wine bar in downtown, which was cool.  There were a bunch of people, which was cool.  One guy left early and asked one of the other guys to cover his… and we got steph her champagne for her promotion… but here’s the thing – when it came time to pay the tab, we all had it on one check… and they wanted to split it.  I’m like wtf are you serious?  I ordered 1/2 a grilled cheese sandwich (4.50- hey, it’s a wine bar, so it’s going to be pricey) and a beer (6 bucks, not so bad)… was supposed to cover 1/3 of steph’s champagne (12 total, 4 for me)… so it’s what, 14.50?  cool, i’m expecting to throw down 20.  Somehow the total tab is 110, and they’ve got 4 of us splitting it.  All of a sudden, we’re covering the other guy’s extra, on top of the guy who left?? that’s bs.  I’m not saying anything b/c it’s all business people, but this is bullshit.  if I paid for the entire grilled cheese and steph’s entire champagne, it would only have been 27 before tax – why am i expected to drop 33 after everything? whatever.  note to self, ALWAYS ask for my own tab – just use the excuse that you might have to leave early.  people are… ridiculous.


~ by apexaddict6 on March 5, 2009.

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