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030609 – Happy Hour x 2

Workout:  Happy Hour x 2, neither at a bar…
– 600AM – DL 7×1 – 275, 295, 315 (old PR), 335, 355, 365 (started to round), 375
         I rounded out on the last 2 DL’s, so that’s something for me to continue
         working on.  V said it was more of a low to mid back start to the rounding.
         Something to keep an eye on.  New PR at 375 though – I’m happy w/ that.
– 600PM – ?? – don’t know what WOD I am going to do yet… decisions, decisions.
        can’t do Helen b/c I have to wait for Tim, and have to watch my shoulder…
**so i decided to go with jackie… paced myself on the row and was able to FLY on the thrusters and pullups… I was amazed at how fast I actually got to the pullups.  I was trying to beat Eric’s time of 7:33, and ended up posting a 6:32 – beating out Nathan and Dave T as well..!! I am stoked!! My brother messed around with the big box afterwards…

– 545AM – [2] – zone bar (pre-workout)
– 845AM – [3] – 3 egg omelet w/ sprouts, mushrooms, bell peppers,
           1 slice toast w/ butter & mixed fruit jelly
– 130PM – [2] – 1 chicken apple sausage, 1 PB sandwich
– 415PM – [3] – 1 protein shake (3 protein, 1 carb, 4 fat), 1 PB sandwich
– 830PM – friday Zelo’s with Tom, Jose & Chris – good times! 


~ by apexaddict6 on March 6, 2009.

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