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030709 – 20 x 100m sprints

Workout: 20 x 100m sprints, 45 second rest interval, timed and recorded by V – THANKS!!
— times were:

15.0, 14.57, 15.0, 14.19
15.0, 14.79, 15.56, 15.12
16.0, 14.81, 16.09, 14.60
16.0, 15.0, 16.44, 15.56
16.22, 15.35, 16.03, 14.8

I haven’t looked back at the times from the last 20 x 100 yet to compare, but just to note – this was done at the academy, where the odd numbered runs were slightly uphill, and the even numbered runs were slightly downhill.  Oh – and Vanessa didn’t let me take a 2 min break after 10.  It sucked, but my hamstrings are less shredded than the last time I did this.

– 1030AM – [4] – zone bar, 2 string cheese, apple
– 100PM – [2] – zone bar
– 200PM – [2] – scallop salad plus 12 spears of asparagus from Mac Grill
– 500PM – [2] – zone bar
– 700PM – [x] – 1 game beer pong plus a handful of tortilla chips
– 830PM – [4] – mahi mahi from Brussels Bistro in Laguna Beach + a few of
         kyle’s fries.  The fish came w/ vegetables. 


~ by apexaddict6 on March 7, 2009.

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