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030909 – Randy

– 600PM – Randy – 75 x 75lb power snatches – 6:52 (PR)
       – I can and will do better next time at Randy.  I burned out the first minute.
          I’m slightly disappointed with my time.     

– 730AM – [4] – 2 string cheese, 1 chicken apple sausage, 1 PB/AB sandwich,
          1 apple, 12 almonds
– 1100AM – [2] – zone bar
– 115pM – [4] – grilled vegetable salad, 2 chicken apple sausages
– 530PM – [2] – zone bar
– 800PM – [4] – chopped salad from Dockside Grill, 1 tbsp 1k island dressing
       – $1.75 beers.  Amazing.  I managed to pass on the beers…!! 

**I realized that I have been slacking off just a tad as of late as far as the strictness of my diet.  I’ve been going to happy hour more, going out on the weekends, and eating out on friday nights – which is all fine, but I haven’t been paying attention to what I’ve been eating or drinking.  I need to re-focus and dial in my nutrition, and watch my alcohol consumption a little more… I’m debating going sober for the next 2 months with a few exceptions including something like 3 drinks a week, no rolling over, per Joe’s recommendation… can’t keep chugging these…



~ by apexaddict6 on March 9, 2009.

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