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031009 – rest/post-workout rip

Workout: opted to rest instead of work out… Having worked out friday, saturday, sunday and monday, today was a good day to take a rest day.  I figure I’ll let my hamstrings recover, work out tomorrow and thursday (since no bball this week), and rest Friday in preparation for Solvang on saturday.  Not worried about Solvang as much as KOM – but I’m definitely going to try to push going up Foxen and get a little bit of ‘training’ in for KOM.

– 645AM – [2] – 1 chicken apple sausage, 1 apple (consumed 45 min later)
– 930AM – [2] – 2 string cheese, 1 PB sandwich
– 1130AM – [2] – zone bar
– 145PM – [2] – Panda Express (yes – it can be done, hah) – 2 item combo w/ 
          mixed veggies, beef and broccoli, and string bean chicken.  A little light
          on the carbs, but still… not bad… Also, wtf is up with the food server balking
          when asked for extra broccoli… and then proceeds to add ONE PIECE of
          broccoli.  It’s BROCCOLI.  JESUS, lady, it’s not like I asked for an extra slab
          of beef or something.  Damn, stingy-ass…
– 400PM – [2] – 2 string cheese, crackers, peanut butter
– 600PM – [4] – 2 string cheese, 1 apple, 1 zone bar 
– 900PM – [3] – 3 egg whites, 3 shrimp, 1 slice ezekiel bread, almond/peanut butter,
          1/2 c blueberries
** I think I was definitely short on my fats today.  I need to consume them with my meals to keep me full longer – I seem to be getting hungrier during the day.  I also think I am shorting myself a lot on the carbs.  I think I may go back to a regular baseline zone, since being on the modified carb zone has me mixing stuff up too much and is making it difficult to stay on top of things w/ my schedule and planning around work for meals…

check out this rip from last night – Tim conned us all into doing some pullups, and so we all rattled off somewhere around 20.  I did all mine butterfly, and I decided to try to get another 10 afterwards… on the 6th one, something felt funny on my left hand – lo and behold… a new rip…!



~ by apexaddict6 on March 10, 2009.

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