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to O-lift or not to O-lift?

Got home kind of late last night after a short nap in the car… and the plan is to do O-lift this morning at the Academy… except… wasn’t what I did last night almost O-lift??  All I did last night were deadlifts and full squat cleans…!  I’ll go anyways – and maybe I’ll attempt some stuff, maybe I won’t.  I’ll update later…

*update – so I went and kind of toyed around with stuff that wasn’t clean related or deadlift related… I did OHS and some other stuff since I never seem to manage to have enough time to do them during O-lift.  

OHS – 5×5 – 5@135, 5@155, 5@155, 4@155 (wrist gave out) and 5@155.  
250m row sprints (x3) – 45.8, 46.0, 47.0
Pullups – 11 DH x 2; worked on my butterfly.  I think I am finally starting to get it.

I could have probably done more reps on the last one (OHS), but my wrists are not flexible enough or strong enough to support the weight consistently like that I guess.  I’ll have to continue to work on that.  We were going to get some food afterwards – first it was Natural Selections, then it was Presidential Thai… then Nathan decided that we should all adhere to our zones instead of cheating.  He’s right but… damn… I could go for some pad see ew!  Went to go shoot around after eating chili…


900AM – 4 block meal – 1 C cottage cheese, 1 orange, 1 slice wheat toast w/ extra PB
200PM – 4 block meal – zone chili + ~15 almonds
500PM – 2 block snack – 2 string cheeses, almonds and an apple
900PM – 5 block meal? – spinach salad from barneys – was short on carbs, so made it up w/ 2 beers.  ONLY TWO…!


~ by apexaddict6 on January 24, 2009.

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