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031109 – Texas Cardio v2

Workout: Texas Cardio v2 – w/ either bodyweight, or 1/2 ORM (one rep max), 1 DL the first minute, 2 DL’s the 2nd minute, etc, until failure.  I completed 14 rounds – the 15th round was impossible for me at that point.  I’d like to see if I can get this up to 18-20 at some point… but I need to get my DL’s stronger first.  I used bodyweight.

– 645AM – [2] – zone bar
– 815AM – [2] – Corner Bakery Farmers Omelet (w/ all vegetables), 1/3 of the
         breakfast potatoes that came w/ it and 2 bites of wheat toast.  supplemented
         w/ 2 blocks of almonds at 945.
– 1115AM – [1] – 1 string cheese, 1/2 PB sandwich.  Needed a snack before our lunch
         meeting, which WAS supposed to happen at 11. 
– 1200PM – [2] – Pacific Grill Shrimp Caprese salad w/ grilled peppers & 1 small
        (3″x2″x1/2″ slice of bread, est. 1 block)
– 345PM – [3] – 6 egg whites, 1 c blueberries, 1/2 slice ezekiel bread, PB, 
        9 almonds
– 615PM – [2] – 2 oz turkey, 1 slice ezekiel bread, PB
– 800PM – [2] – 2 string cheese, 1 slice ezekiel bread, PB
– 845PM – [2] – 5 oz potatoes (1/3 c roughly), 2 oz turkey, 12 spears asparagus
        15 almonds 

just signed up for the nutrition cert at TCA on 7/18/09.  Maybe I’ll pick up some key info to keep me focused through the end of 09 and into ’10 when I’m trying to make the games…


~ by apexaddict6 on March 11, 2009.

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