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031309 – 50th post – Rest & Prepare

No workout today.  I need to continue to let my lower back and legs recover from the DLs on wednesday and the BSs on thursday – esp. w/ Solvang being tomorrow.  I need to prep, eat well, load up on electrolytes and hydrate as much as possible to prepare.  I’m sure Eric is doing the same.

– 700AM – [2] – 1 apple, 12 almonds (no time for protein, made up for it next meal)
– 900AM – [2] – 3 egg omelet w/ peppers, avocado and mozzarella (4P),
           supplemented w/ 1 Ezekiel PB sandwich.  I need to make a full switch to 
           almond butter soon – I’d like to EVENTUALLY move towards a paleo zone
– 1230PM – [5] – 6 oz salmon, 1/2 small avocado, 1 apple, 12 almonds, light
           ezekiel PB sandwich (added an extra block count b/c of added protein and
           fats from eating PB and almonds).
– 730PM – [?] – zelo’s – pasta and a slice of pizza – gotta get some carbs… 


~ by apexaddict6 on March 13, 2009.

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