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031609 – 10 Rounds Reverse Cindy

Workout: 10 rounds of reverse Cindy (15 squats, 10 pushups, 5 pullups) – The hard part about doing Cindy is typically the pullups.  I don’t see this being any different, but with only 10 rounds to complete, hopefully, I can complete it and get it under 10 min.  I’m currently debating taking another rest day.  My legs are still tired, and I know that I will be doing sprint work or running tomorrow…

8:25 with pushups subbed out halfway for situps b/c of the shoulder.

– 700AM – [2] – 1 mini lara bar, 2 string cheese, 12 almonds
– 930AM – [2] – 1 zone bar, 12 almonds
– 1245PM – [4] – 16 oz broccoli (roughly 2 blocks according to data transposition
         using nutritiondata.com information), 6 oz black cod (4P), 1 mini Lara bar (2P, 4F)
         and a handful of almonds before lunch.  the 16 oz of broccoli wasn’t as mundane
         as imagined… may be better than doing 2 blocks of asparagus… and just as easy!
– 430PM – [2] – zone bar
– 745PM – [2] – 2 oz turkey, 1 Ezekiel PB Sandwich 
– 900PM – [4] – 4 oz lamb chops, 1 bell pepper, 1 banana, 16 almonds 

*Removed my head as a barrier and an excuse by committing and signing up for my L1 cert.  It will be going down in Aromas June 20th – a week after the mud run (see calendar on the right).  I am stoked!


~ by apexaddict6 on March 16, 2009.

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