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031709 – Rest/Laker Game

Workout: Rest.  I was originally going to go out on St. Patty’s day… then it was going to be speed work at the track w/ Boot Camp… then got pushed to maybe the adventure race from CF La Verne… then Chris told me that him and my mom had bought Laker tickets at the beginning of the season for tonight – so that trumped all.  It will be a good additional rest day – my legs are still tired from Solvang.  I can only imagine how I will feel after each of the KOM rides…

– 815AM – [2] – 2 oz turkey, 1 Ezekiel almond butter sandwich.  Probably should
          have eaten earlier, like when I got on the train, but hey – this leaves the rest 
          of my day w/ more food consumption!!
– 1030AM – [2] – 2 string cheese, 1 Ezekiel almond butter sandwich.
          can’t wait for lunch at 1230.
– 1230PM – 5oz broiled lamb chops, 16 oz broccoli, 2 roasted bell peppers
          may cap it off w 12 lime roasted almonds (hecho en mi casa).  TASTAYYY!!
– 445PM – [2] – 2 string cheese, 1 Ezekiel almond butter sandwich – quickly 
          becoming my 2 block snack of choice, though paleo advocates will tell me
          I should sub out string cheese for non-dairy… but is ezekiel bread paleo?
          it’s sprouted grains instead of whole grains…….
– 645PM – [4?] – 1 HH size order of chicken wings from Wokcano, 1 order (looked)
          really small spicy yellow tail, 1/2 a Stella (tap ran out, got it for free.  couldn’t
          turn it down…!)
– 1030PM – [2] – after laker game zone bar 


~ by apexaddict6 on March 17, 2009.

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