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Cycle Day – GP, 47mi + extras…

So I’m training to do Solvang in 2009… and will be attempting to do the King of the Mountain series with JoeB.  No, I didn’t miss a space, it’s JoeB… something related to beer pong, haha.  Anyhow, I don’t have time during the week to cycle (due to work and sunlight deficiencies during the winter), and Saturdays I spend doing O-lift and/or crossfit.  Which leaves me Sundays (it actually leaves me half of Sunday since I play basketball in the evenings in the Mofufus league).  For now (up until Solvang, at least), I am riding with a group called cycledots.  Today’s venue was Griffith Park.  The route slip says approx. 47 miles with significant altitude gained.  We went all the way up Chevy Chase, up Lida, and some other stuffs.  I was pretty tired being that I didn’t sleep too much and drank the night before- and I REALLY felt it in the beginning of the ride.  My legs were not cooperating the way I expected them to.  

So towards the end as we’re making our way back to the cars (probably 6 or 7 miles out), we hit a patch where it’s relatively level and it’s almost in cool-down mode.  Joe looks over at me and goes… let’s do a tabata.  I’m like – that is a GREAT idea.  We hit a full set of tabata on the bike (a slight interruption due to street lights), and then do a couple more short sprints, and top it out with an all out burst about 200 meters out or so.  I lost to Joe by like half a wheels length… and then I looked down and realized that I ran out of gearing b/c I was in my small ring, not my big one…!! I’ll get him next time.  Those sprints were brutal, but I think they’ll help the training a lot.  

As we get back and change – Steph rolls in with the rest of the group (they had fallen behind b/c they were not informed of the tabata challenge, they  just thought we were sprinting off to… just ride as fast as possible I guess)… and changes into running shoes.  She wants to go run for a mile as part of her tri-training stuff.  I look down at my running shoes… Joe grabs his shoes, Mel does the same, and so we’re off for a mile run.  it wasn’t timed, but I made it to the cars at what I consider to be a relatively decent pace…

Great workout, right? Completely exhausted…! somehow we end up doing another tabata series (though this would be some sort of bastard child of a tabata). We did 20 sec on, 10 sec off, alternating between squats and pushups.  Lowest rounds were 16 squats and 14 pushups.  Both on the 3rd of 4 rounds.  

Finally… left to go to Incycle to check out Mel’s Cervelo (which is in, but couldn’t be located), then off to Green St. Market/Cafe/Restuarant… not sure which it’s called.  Mel and I split a Diane salad and a Salmon club, Joe had a scramble and Steph bailed to go to work.  Sucks that she couldn’t stay, the food was great, and there were some interesting discussions… ahem… aerosol sustainable beef, hahaha.  I would estimate that including the slice of zucchini bread – that was actually pretty close to zone…! between the chicken and salmon, probably 5 blocks (there wasn’t too much in the salad, and we only ate about 1/2 to 2/3 of it before taking the rest home)… 1 slice of wheat bread plus 1 piece of zucchini bread – at least 4 blocks if not more… plus the salad greens and the fruit.  Ok, it’s not measured, but for going out to eat, I’d say it’s pretty close.  At least we didn’t get some massive burgers or something, haha. 

OK, time for a quick nap before the basketball game… I’ll update my post-game meal later.  Here is the info for the day:

Events/Activities (in order):

47 mi bike ride – in the hills, w/ tabatas & extra sprints
1 mi run
1 round tabatas alternating squats and pushups
8pm Mofufus basketball league game (lost – d’oh.)


730AM – 100PM – [6 blocks] – 3 zone bars (1 before the ride, 2 during) 
230PM – [5 blocks] – 1/2 salmon club, 1/3 diane salad
700PM – [2 blocks] – 2 string cheese, 1 apple, 12 almonds
900PM – [4 blocks] – zone chili

I also packed my lunch/breakfast for tomorrow.  Both are cottage cheese for protein.  May have overdone that one.  For tuesday I will probably opt for 1 cottage cheese and 1 tuna/salmon…


~ by apexaddict6 on January 25, 2009.

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