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031908 – o-lift/technique?

Workout: Normally Thursday is a rest day, but with Tuesday being rest, and
    yesterday being bball/’active recovery’, I’m thinking maybe I can do some 
    o-lift technique or do some heavy load (not on my shoulder) work.  Will
    decide later – tempted to go hang out at CFLV during their 7pm O-lift, since
    I can’t do the XF WOD at the academy, and O-lift there is at 8pm…!

** went to CF LV and did most of the mainsite, which was – 10 rounds (3 weighted pullups [45lbs], 5 strict dead hang pullups, 7 kipping pullups).  Pace/timing wasn’t an issue… b/c I couldn’t really go fast at all.  I have lost some strength since letting my shoulder rest – these pullups used to be much easier.  I ripped both hands at my knuckles instead of my palms (clean shaven).  After finishing 7 rounds, I could do no more, so I completed 5 min of CF LV’s WOD, which turned out to be AMRAP 5 min of 200m run, 15 24″ box jumps.  I completed 4 rounds – Sarah was saying I should get out 5.  She is more beastly than I am…

– 700AM – [2] – zone bar
– 900AM – [2] – 2 oz turkey, 1 ezekiel AB sandwich
– 1245PM – [4] – 4 egg whites, 2 eggs, 1 ezekiel AB sandwich, 1 apple, 6 almonds
– 445PM – [2] – 2 string cheese, 1 ezekiel AB sandwich
– 700PM – [2] – zone bar
– 845PM – [4] – 24 spears of asparagus, 3 oz golden potatoes, 6 oz shrimp…
          need some fats to go w/ this meal… 


~ by apexaddict6 on March 19, 2009.

One Response to “031908 – o-lift/technique?”

  1. this shoulder thing sucks. It just seems to get worse no matter what I do. I have been resolved to just doing lower body stuff but now I have to worry about over training those muscle groups. I would be in for speed work on Tuesdays. I could use it.

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