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032009 – Happy Hour

Workout: Technique? Strength? or Conditioning?  We shall see.  Tomorrow is a 50-60 miler on the bike, so I would ultimately like to NOT be too shredded before doing that… can’t believe I ripped my hands AGAIN…

– 700AM – [2] – zone bar + 6 almonds
– 1015AM – [2] – 2 oz turkey, 1 ezekiel AB sandwich
– 1215PM – [4] – Casey’s Irish Pub seared scallop salad, easy bacon bits w/ blue
       cheese crumbles, 1 banana w/ peanut butter.  Passed on the Guiness at lunch…
– 430PM – [4] – 4 oz turkey, 1 ezekiel AB sandwich, 1 apple
– 800PM – [?] – zelo’s carb load – penne works + 1 slice sausage pizza 


~ by apexaddict6 on March 20, 2009.

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