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032109 – Cycling/cheat day

Workout: 72.9 miles, 5500+ ft of climbing, most of it on a whim, with the only real intention getting in GMR, a nice, long climb.  HERE is the route we took, and it takes some explaining… So on top of getting in GMR, we decided before we left, that we were going to make it to the Peach for lunch in the middle of the ride.  As we got to the Peach, we were debating whether or not to complete an out and back, re-doing GMR, but in reverse.  Only problem is that the section on hwy 39/east fork took FOREVER, so we decided against it.  Instead, we went and completed some extra short hills near the house, which were staples on my old training route.  However, if you look @ the elevation profile – they are nothing compared to GMR, hah.  Total estimated calories burned – at least 4000.  Afterwards, we went to Corona to pick up some bike parts… and on the way back, we ended up at Lucilles.  ’nuff said.

lookout over GMR

Lookout over Glendora Mountain Road

– 730AM – [2] – 1 chicken apple sausage, 1 PB sandwich
– 830AM — 500PM – (cycling) – 1/2 PB sandwich, 1/2 banana,  2 bottles of cytomax
– 100PM – [?] – the Peach – Sausage/Pepper wrap w/ a bowl of chili on the side, and
      half a half order of the weekend special Chocolate waffle, all topped w/ 4 cups
      of coffee – partially b/c it was chilly, and partially b/c well, it was good…
– 645PM – [?] –  Lucilles BBQ – 1 22oz Amber Ale, 1 22oz Honey Blonde, 1/2 order of
      southern fried pickles, a BBQ combo w/ tri-tip and beef ribs (3 ribs – joe at the 4th)
      with corn on the cobb and mixed vegetables, 1/2 snickers pie dessert
– 1130PM – [?] – 2 gin & tonic’s for Kyle’s birthday

BBQ Combo plate

BBQ Combo plate


~ by apexaddict6 on March 22, 2009.

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