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032209 – Modified Lynne + bball

1200PM – Modified Lynne – Lynne is 5 x (max rep BW benchpress immediately followed by max pullups) no time component.  Since I can’t benchpress w/ my shoulder yet, I subbed out the pair for BW DL and BW BS, which shouldn’t have been THAT bad, except that I did that bike ride yesterday. Round/(DL,BS) = 1/(13,14) 2/(16,17) 3/(18,15) 4/(17,13) 5/(21,13) Total: 157- the back squats immediately following the DL’s were brutal.
800PM – mofufus playoff basketball game

1030AM – [3] – 1.5 chicken apple sausage, 1 PB sandwich, 1 orange
200PM – [4] – 4 oz turkey, 1 orange, 1 mini lara bar
600PM – [4] – 4 egg whites, 1 egg, 1/2 chicken apple sausage, 1 bartlett pear,
     1 orange, 24 almonds
1000PM – [4] – 6 oz fresh shrimp, 12 oz broccoli, 6 oz sweet potato leaves,
     1/2 orange, 12 almonds, 2 tsp peanut butter

~ by apexaddict6 on March 22, 2009.

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