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Workout: Modified TCA blog workout – theirs includes SDHP’s & ring dips – 7 x (12 & 12), mine used pullups and GHD situps.  For some reason I had a hard time with BOTH the pullups and GHD situps – don’t know why my upper body wasn’t functioning for the pullups.  Only got out 5 or 6 at a time.  I think it’s b/c my hands are still destroyed.

730AM – [2] – zone bar
930AM – [3] – 6 egg whites, 1 banana with almond butter
1230PM – [4] – 4 oz smoked salmon (6.5g protein/oz), 12 spears asparagus,
     1 oz sweet potato, 1 apple w/ peanut butter
500PM – [3] – 3 oz turkey breast, 1 orange, 1 oz sweet potato, 18 almonds 
700PM – [2] – 2 oz sweet potato, 2 oz beef jerky, 9 almonds
830PM – [4] – 4 oz rotisserie chicken, 2 oz sweet potato, 1 orange, 12 almonds
** 2 blocks over for the day.  Planned on having a little extra for my 2x a day tmr too. 


~ by apexaddict6 on March 23, 2009.

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