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032509 – 6am hump day

Workout: 600AM Crossfit – decided to drop in for the 6AM class today just b/c I only did speed work yesterday, and otherwise would only be playing basketball tonight and resting tomorrow.  Turns out today was a short and devastating workout…
3 x (10 225lb Deadlifts + 200m sprint) – The first set was awesome, I finished the DL’s in 12 or 13 seconds, and I was out the door at the same time as Lawrence, and I beat him on the sprint by a bit.  I got back on the bar and had no hamstrings left – and I went from an unbroken deadlift set to sets of 3.  He finished in the low 4’s, I ended up in the low 5’s.  ouch.

– 530AM – [2] – 1 chicken apple sausage, 1 pear, 1 fingerscoop of PB (yes, finger)
– 645AM – [2] – 2 oz chicken, 2 oz yams, 9 almonds – I’ve heard that the post-WOD
         high glycemic consumption should not be accompanied by fats, but… yeah, 
         I need to look into that.
– 930AM – [2] – 2 oz chicken, 1 apple, 1 tbsp almond butter
– 1230PM – [4] – 4 oz pork chops, 24 spears asparagus, 6 oz fresh pineapple,
         topped off w/ 15 lime roasted almonds
– 415PM – [4] – 4 oz chicken, 8 oz snap peas, 8 oz strawberries, almonds
– 800PM – [2] – 2 oz turkey jerky, 2/3 lara bar, 2 tsp almond butter
– 1100PM – [1] – 1 oz turkey jerky, 1/3 lara bar 


~ by apexaddict6 on March 25, 2009.

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