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I’ve decided to use an easier to read layout listing the workout and food first, with random thoughts and a stream of consciousness afterwards.

600AM – Crossfit – Nancy: 5 rounds (400m run, 15 OHS @ 95 lbs) – 14:14 – new PR 
800PM – O-lift:
             PS – 125, 125, 135
             PC – 155, 175, 185
             CLDS – 205, 225, 245
             Butterflies – 7, 8, 6, 5, 5 

530AM – [2 blocks] – Zone bar
700AM – [4 blocks] – 1c cottage cheese, 2c fruit (blue/straw berries, pineapple), 24 almonds
1100AM – [2 blocks] – 2 string cheeses, 1 apple (no fats this meal, left almonds in car)
100PM – [4 blocks] – (same as 700AM)
530PM – [4 blocks] – zone bar, 2 string cheese, 1 apple, almonds
900PM – [3 blocks] – 3 oz lamb chops, 1/2 c pineapple, 1 slice wheat toast 

**Today was one of the first times (possibly the 1st) that I did all the running in a WOD with absolutely no breaks.  I PR’d by 4:44 – felt AWESOME… too bad the entire day I’m sitting here in an insurance class…! O-lift tonight should be better than last week, since I’m going to be consuming more blocks during the day.

***O-lift was better with more food/energy – no PR’s but some sweet butterflies.


~ by apexaddict6 on January 26, 2009.

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