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032609 – much needed rest

Workout: Rest, AMRAP in 1 day

– 800AM – [2] – 1 chicken apple sausage, 2/3 Lara bar
– 1100AM – [2] – 2 oz chicken, 1 small banana, almond butter
– 130PM – [4] – 4 oz pork chops, 1.5 blocks bell peppers, 1.5 blocks snap peas,
          1 block carrots, 24 almonds (some honey roasted, some lemon almonds)
– 515PM – [4] – 4 oz chicken, 5 oz fresh cubed mango, 1 orange,
          1 level tbsp almond butter, 1 level tbsp peanut butter
– 730PM – [?] – cheat meal/night – a few beers and some appetizers, nothing
          crazy – some chicken and seared ahi, some corn soup-ish stuff, a tiny bit
          of pizza and one fried shrimp.  Ate a bunch of almonds to stay awake on
          the drive home afterwards though.

[6C/56bpm] – I blame the C on the coffee I had last night around 7PM.  Probably not the best idea.  I also weighed in this morning at 164lbs.  WOW.  On Sunday after eating and drinking all night Saturday, I weighed in at 170.  I figure part of it is water weight, since I played basketball last night and did not drink TOO much water before going to sleep, but both measurements were done post-morning-liquidation of my body, though Sunday was post poop and today was pre poop.  I hope it’s not upper body mass loss due to the shoulder being out.  That would be devastating.

~ by apexaddict6 on March 26, 2009.

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