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032709 – Happy Hour??

Worktout: Happy Hour at the academy.  A lot of people are doing the Moltz challenge, but my F*CKING shoulder isn’t better yet.  so frustrating.  I used to be able to rattle off 25 ring dips, now I can’t do two. CHRISTINE – 3 x (500m row, 12 3/4 BW deadlifts, 21 box jumps) – 9:02, PR from 9:40

Nutrition: needs to be extra strict today after last night… HAH.
– 815AM – [4] – 12 aidells pineapple chicken meatballs (each has abt 3 g of protein),
        1 orange, 1 small banana w/ almond butter
– 1215PM – [4] – 12 meatballs, 2 oz yams – I re-read the nutritional data on the
        meatballs and they actually have a decent amt of sugar and fat in them (sugar is
        primarily from the pineapple APPARENTLY…) still tasty though!
– 500PM – [2] – 2 oz chicken, 1 apple, 12 almonds
– 715PM – [?] – zelo’s mixed greens, 1 slice of sausage pizza w/ garlic
– 1100PM – [?] – 1 slice of sausage pizza w/ garlic 


~ by apexaddict6 on March 27, 2009.

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