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700PM – ‘Jacksonville’ – 5 rounds for time:
        21 pushups
        21 HKE’s
        21 Double Unders
**27:02 – I did all the double unders.  My arms and shins are going to be red.  I was constantly lashing them w/ the jumprope – many more than the number of double unders I did.  Ouch.  but it felt good to get out 2, almost 3 at a time – even though it took me forever.  It was fun to work out w/ the 6pm crew, and nice to head home in time to get to costco and be at home to catch the 2nd half of the laker game.

800AM – [2 blocks] – Zone bar (these are getting addicting, moreso than before)
1000AM – [2 blocks] – 2 string cheese, PB&H on wheat + almonds
               – wasn’t paying attention, so w/ the PB&H and almonds, I went 4-5x fat!?
1230PM – [4 blocks] – 6 oz salmon, 1 slice wheat bread, 1/2 avocado
               –  1 cup blueberries 
430PM – [2 blocks] – 2 string cheese, PB&H on wheat, 3 almonds for a crunch 
730PM – [4 blocks] – 6 oz salmon, 1 slice wheat bread, 1/2 avo, 1 apple 
1000PM – [2 blocks] – 2 oz turkey, 1c grape tomatoes, 1/2 c blueberries, almonds 

**My shoulder hurts like sh*t today.  I may need to see a doctor about it soon.  Packed a good lunch today though.  Should be good.  Not looking forward to the HKE’s or DU’s tho, so I should probably try to hammer them out today…  

I am now officially registered for Mulholland Challenge as well.  If I manage to finish MC and BA – I’ll sign up for the Heartbreak Hundred to complete the trifecta…!


~ by apexaddict6 on January 27, 2009.

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