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Hoopin' tonight

700PM – Bball – Walnut Rec League vs. Icemen (W)

645AM – [2 blocks] – 1/2 c cottage cheese, 1/2 PB&H 
1000AM – [2 blocks] – 1/2 c cottage cheese, 1/2 PH&H
1230PM – [5 blocks?] – CPK grilled vegetable salad, 2 small slices of Thai Chicken
             Pizza w/ extra chicken on wheat dough
400PM – [2 blocks] – zone bar
600PM – [4 blocks] – 4 oz turkey, 1 slice wheat, 1 c grape tomatoes, 1/2 c blueberries
             1/2 avocado 
930PM – [3 blocks] – 3 blocks of chili 

**have lunch plans today – need to see what’s on the menu that can fit somewhat into a 4-6 block meal… which was CPK (1230 meal).  Missed Helen today at the academy, which sucks, but maybe I’ll get to it on Friday… Felt kind of cranky after coming home today.  Not sure why – felt… drained but not tired.  Odd… I’m going to try to get more sleep tonight… felt like I might have consumed a block or two more than necessary… but it won’t kill me…

Quote of the Day: ‘The first person to walk on Mars could be alive today.  If so, he or she is most likely two years old and living in China.’
        – Andrew Zolli c/o Starbucks ‘The Way I See It’ #129  

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~ by apexaddict6 on January 28, 2009.

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