062609 – decisions decisions…
Workout: To happy hour or not to happy hour. I have a basketball tournament this weekend where I’ll have a game at 8pm tonight… but the guys want to do happy hour, and I put the idea of Grace in Tim’s head, and now Tim and Pat are going to try to do Grace. ARRRGH. I could do it, but I don’t know if/how it would mess w/ bball… Considering the workout will only (hopefully) take me 4 min… maybe I can do it… but between the WOD last night, the game tomorrow night, and the Patch on Saturday before another game saturday… yeesh… i’m going to be destroyed after the weekend…!
6PM Grace: 30 x 135lb Clean & Jerk – 3:35, PR by 1:26. Strategy would have put me under 3:30, maybe under 3:20…
700am – [4] – muscle milk light protein shake (4p, 2c), 4 cherries, 1 watermelon
pluot, and 2 tsp raw sunflower seeds
I am having issues with posting my food everyday – it’s starting to become tedious. I manage most of what I eat pretty well, so I don’t worry about it too much anymore though… to continue tracking food or to not continue…
Don’t be a pussy! Do it!
Patrick said this on June 26th, 2009 at 2:26 pm