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071309 week summary

Monday – GAMES WOD: 3 rounds – (30 wall balls to an 11′ mark, 30 squat snatches at 75lbs?) 23:37.  It was brutal, and this was my only WOD!! I can’t imagine doing it after 4 other WODS and trying to get it sub-15 like the top guys.  Wow.

Tuesday – FS/GHD (135lbs) – 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 – 15:37 killed my core and quads.  It was a lot harder than expected w/ 135lbs.  I managed to do the 21 straight through, but the 18 and 15 I had to split up.  Once I reached 12, the rest were all straight through (I didn’t want to clean the weight anymore)

Wednesday – REST

Thursday – Badger – 30:03 just as much of a pain as I remembered… 4 seconds outside of 30 minutes… FOUR seconds…!! I’d like to think that I can run harder and make it under 30 w/o a problem, but to be honest, the last round was spent with my heart pounding in my throat.

Friday – Karen – 8:46 – chose to do Karen since it didn’t involve running or pullups… I thought I’d have a chance at setting a solid PR – I set a PR, but I feel I could’ve done better had I not done badger the day before.  No excuses – but this made me make a decision to not do back to back benchmarks.  If I do benchmarks on thursday and friday, I will do one of the two either heavy or light and mix it up.

SATURDAY: 10 x 100m sprints, 45 seconds rest – hurt, but good sprinting.  Would have died if I did 20 and not made the nutrition cert, haha… The nutrition cert was awesome.  Tons of great information.  Thanks Robb for coming down to explain to us many of the nuances about nutrition…! I will post my notes to my pages – Robb has been added to my links.

~ by apexaddict6 on July 20, 2009.

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