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O-Lift/Happy Hour

It’s Friday again – O-lift in the AM, Happy Hour in the PM.  What to do for Happy Hour?  I’m thinking about either doing Randy or Helen.  The goal with Helen would be to get it under 9 minutes… I think if I run without  stopping (1:45 or so), I can do the KB swings w/o stopping (at least the first 2 rounds), paired with the butterflies… I could probably do it under 9…

O-Lift (shortened) –
      HSS (3×3) – 125, 125, [135, 125, 125]
      HSC (3×3) – 145, 145, 145 – was not trying to do much weight as much as I was trying
                  to get under the bar and catch it lower as opposed to lowering myself into
                  the full squat position
      SDLS (3×3) – 185, 205, 205 – working on UPWARDS extension… felt good
      Shoulder press (rehab – 3×15) – 45lb bar 
Happy Hour – Helen – 8:27, PR from 9:54 

530AM – [2] – Zone bar
700AM – [4] – 1 c cottage cheese, 1 PB&H, 1 apple
1100AM – [1] – 1 string cheese, 1/2 PB&H 
1200PM – [4] – 4 oz turkey, 1/2 avocado, 1 slice wheat, 1c blueberries 
400PM – [1] – 1 string cheese, 1/2 PB&H
530PM – [2] – zone bar
830PM – [4] – 6 oz salmon, 2 bell peppers, 1/2 cup green beans, 1 ear of corn, 1 tbsp PB 

** decided to do some shoulder presses to test out my shoulder.  It is STILL hurting during certain movements (namely presses, sometimes on my cleans when I rotate quickly).  Did Helen tonight at happy hour – managed to do the entire thing while only stopping a few times to correct my swing during the butterflies.  The runs were non-stop as were the KB swings… for the butterflies,  can’t seem to do them correctly right after doing KB swings, haha… I PR’d by 1:27, got an 8:27 – which I thought was awesome (for me at least).  Tag – you’re it, Dave.


~ by apexaddict6 on January 30, 2009.

One Response to “O-Lift/Happy Hour”

  1. Thanks for the vid but I cant see it. I guess its private and you need to invite me.

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