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So for the past 2 weeks, I have been ramping everything up and trying to continue to increase the intensity.  My schedule has been (and will try to continue to be) as follows: 

Monday – 6AM crossfit & 8PM O-lift
Tuesday – 7PM crossfit
Wednesday – Bball league (or 7PM crossfit if no game)
Thursday – REST
Friday – 6AM O-lift & 6PM crossfit (happy hour)
Saturday – 10AM O-lift & 12PM Meeting
Sunday – cycle/hoop/rest

rinse, lather and repeat.  I have actually been thinking of trying to find a way to work in some running/track work – but I think I’m running out of hours in a day…!

In addition to that, I have been eating using strict zone guidelines.  I am attempting to consume 16/17 blocks on single workout and rest days, and 18/19 blocks on 2x a days.  If I’m starving, I will let myself go on the high side, but I will fight to stay on the low side.  I am consuming 2x the fat to keep my energy up and to keep from leaning out too much.  

As the blog continues, I will attempt to update each day with what I’ve eaten and the workouts that have been done.  For Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, these were my results (no nutrition data)


Monday – 6AM – ‘Tabata – Coach B Style’ – tabatas of each of the following w/ 75 lbs (iirc):
 – Air Squats
 – Push Press – subbed for ab mat situps due to shoulder injury
 – Front Squats
 – Push Jerk – subbed w/ power cleans b/c of shoulder
 – Clean Drops – subbed w/ snatch drops b/c of shoulder
**The workout went well, and it feels good to wake up early and work out – the mornings are tough to wake up for, but once I’m up, the day really gets a jump-start. 


Monday – 8PM – O-lift
 – Hang Squat Snatch (3×3) – 95, 115, 125
 – Hang Squat Clean (3×3) – 135, 155, 175 <missed 3rd rep>
 – Snatch DL Shrug (3×3) –  175, 195, 205
**Split Jerk, FS & OHS – DNF due to fatigue.  Just too tired and mentally unfocused.   This was the day that made me think about and decide to increase my zone blockage on days where I am going 2x a day to keep me out of a funk.


Tuesday – 7PM – Crossfit
8 rounds of:
 – 200m Sprint
 – 10 Hanging Knees to Elbows or (jumping) Bar Muscle-ups
 – 5 Handstand Push-ups (HSPU’s)
** Completed in 17:56 doing half HKE’s and half BMU’s – the running is starting to feel better and better.  I did MOST of the runs non-stop.

~ by apexaddict6 on January 21, 2009.

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