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Kessler + O-lift…?

600AM – Kessler – Hang Power Cleans (3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1)
                 [135, 155, 165, 175, 185 (f), 185, 185 (f), 185 (f)] – (f) denotes failed rep
800PM – O-lift? or possibly squats/pullup portion of it

530AM – [2] – zone bar
730AM – [2] – zone bar
930AM – [4] – 3/4 c cottage cheese, 1 string cheese, 1 PB&H, 1 orange
1230PM – [4] – 4 oz steak, arugula salad w/ raisins & tomatoes [1 block est],
                   1 slice of garlic bread, almonds **1 block short on carbs
430PM – [2] – 2 string cheese, 1 PB&H, almonds
700PM – [4] – 4 oz turkey, 1/2 avocado, 1 slice wheat, 1 orange
930PM – [1] – 1 string cheese, 1/2 orange ** 1 block short on fats

**still tired from the weekend and the sprints… that coupled with the 600AM Kessler knocked me out.  I ended up just messing around during O-lift – I didn’t do anything specific, just tried to keep moving so that my body keeps blood going through the muscles.  Johnny and Nathan are talking to me about the Paleo Zone… I’m thinking about it… it would be a slower transition process for me – cutting out dairy and grains cuts out solid zone block backups.  We’ll see.


~ by apexaddict6 on February 2, 2009.

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