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So saturday of last week was my 1 year at TCA (7/18/9) – it feels like it hasn’t been that long, but the changes from me then to me now are shocking.  I am much leaner, faster, stronger, more flexible, i have more endurance, etc, etc.  The list goes on.  Thanks Eric & Vanessa for putting up with me the past year, hah!  And thanks for letting me do the programming this week.  I hope there aren’t too many complaints…!

Monday – 6am Christine – 8:17 – PR by 45 seconds (previous of 9:02).  I was completely gassed by the end, but my only stops were 2x in the middle of my last box jumps… and only for 2-3 seconds at most.  I rowed at 1:50, 1:50 and 1:55 roughly – it’s starting to get to the point where I need to transition and row quicker in order to continue to make up time… feels great!!  Today is day II of gluten free paleo zone at 50% carbs – with 50% of the 50% coming in the post workout meal.  So far so good – I also tried not eating before the 6am wod, seems to be ok…

Tuesday: AMRAP 10 (7 Clean + Overheads, 10 Burpees) – 4 rounds, 7 cleans, 1 burpee.  This workout was harder than expected – I was completely dripping by the end of it.  I’m just glad my hamstrings didn’t cramp up, as they had started to give me issues monday night.  Tomorrow definitely = rest day.

Wednesday: basketball – dumbass coordinator sent us the wrong schedule. we had a bye this week that we didn’t find out about until we were all there.

Thursday: 6am – last WOD that I programmed – 6 rounds, part of 7 (I think I counted wrong before…).  WOD was: AMRAP 15 min (10 wall balls, 10 KB swings [2 pood], 200m run).  I.F.’d last night from 7pm (last meal) until 7am (PWO).  I know it’s not THAT much of a fast, but I plan to stretch it out in the coming days, starting at 2x/week, then to 3x/week.  A lot of this has to do with scheduling, but if i’m up and workign out at 6am w/ a PWO meal at 7am… that would mean my last meal has to start pushing 4pm!!  I ate my last meal today at 430P, no food until something light right before tmr morning!

Friday: 6AM FGB: 329! woohoo!! didn’t break 330 like Nathan thought I could, but for coming off my first fast and my body not knowing why I’m starving it – i’m ok w/ that.  I can probably make up a little on the push press and maybe a couple calories and a couple more SDHP’s… I’d like to get to the point where in order to get a higher score I have to move FASTER instead of take less breaks.  Will I get to 5 min on, 1 min off x 3 without stopping anytime soon? not sure.  Score was (121, 105, 103).  Will post breakdown from there later.

Saturday: 9am – Stadium team WOD: in order (for me, incl. rest) – 30 wall balls, 30 KB swings, 300m row, rest, 30 box jumps, 30 push press, 30 deadlifts: 22:40

071309 week summary

Monday – GAMES WOD: 3 rounds – (30 wall balls to an 11′ mark, 30 squat snatches at 75lbs?) 23:37.  It was brutal, and this was my only WOD!! I can’t imagine doing it after 4 other WODS and trying to get it sub-15 like the top guys.  Wow.

Tuesday – FS/GHD (135lbs) – 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 – 15:37 killed my core and quads.  It was a lot harder than expected w/ 135lbs.  I managed to do the 21 straight through, but the 18 and 15 I had to split up.  Once I reached 12, the rest were all straight through (I didn’t want to clean the weight anymore)

Wednesday – REST

Thursday – Badger – 30:03 just as much of a pain as I remembered… 4 seconds outside of 30 minutes… FOUR seconds…!! I’d like to think that I can run harder and make it under 30 w/o a problem, but to be honest, the last round was spent with my heart pounding in my throat.

Friday – Karen – 8:46 – chose to do Karen since it didn’t involve running or pullups… I thought I’d have a chance at setting a solid PR – I set a PR, but I feel I could’ve done better had I not done badger the day before.  No excuses – but this made me make a decision to not do back to back benchmarks.  If I do benchmarks on thursday and friday, I will do one of the two either heavy or light and mix it up.

SATURDAY: 10 x 100m sprints, 45 seconds rest – hurt, but good sprinting.  Would have died if I did 20 and not made the nutrition cert, haha… The nutrition cert was awesome.  Tons of great information.  Thanks Robb for coming down to explain to us many of the nuances about nutrition…! I will post my notes to my pages – Robb has been added to my links.

2009 Crossfit Games

What an experience.  As a competitor for the affiliate cup and as a spectator watching the individuals compete, it was an amazing weekend.  The people and the atmostphere were out of this world.

Where to start…

We arrived Friday morning to an extremely overcast venue (it MAY have been 60 degrees… MAYBE)… After parking the car, I went to register and got a free t-shirt and interval timer… sweet! we headed over to the tent that Pat had set up, grabbed a quick bite from the cooler, and made our way down to listen to the event description/movement standards… our first WOD was the Stadium WOD.

The Stadium WOD was tough for us.  Shelly had a hard time getting the ball all the way up to the target, but she wasn’t the only one- there were several teams having issues with it.  She trucked through it though, and after everone got done, it was onto the 4 station mid-section.  After rotating through, it was onto the deadlifts… when disaster struck.  Johnny was first on the bar, and had done probably 20-23 deadlifts when he tweaked something in his back.  Then he tripped over the log and fell onto his back.  He was done – DNF.  Though even if he didn’t get injured, we probably still would have DNF’d.

Next was the Hill run.  The order went Katie, me, Shelly, Trenton, team.  The intent was to put Katie up front since she was our ‘slowest’ runner – i put it in quotes, b/c she really isn’t that slow… then I went next so I’d have an extra round of rest to push whoever was going to be slow on the last leg.  Shelly and Trenton are strong runners themselves, so we figured that would work out best.  The run went as planned, and I’d say we finished in the top 1/3 of our heat?  The sprint was tiring – that hill is no joke. 

Onto the OHS/Pullup WOD, where I don’t think any of us hit as much on the OHS as we wanted to (except Shelly, who did AWESOME for her 3rd workout of the day), nor the pullups (except Dave, but we all know he has a bionic upper body).  It was a fun way to close out the games as a competitor.  We knew we weren’t going to make top 5, so it was ok.

Turns out we were the top team out of all those with DNF’s (until they later changed the scoring and we ended up 3rd of all the DNF’s or something).  There were 32 DNF’d teams… Minor victory?

The rest of the weekend consisted of boozing and watching some of the most amazing athletes go through 5 workouts the first day, just to follow it up with another 3 the 2nd day.  It was funny, even the guys who got cut at the end of the first day were ecstatic… they didn’t have to work out anymore for the weekend!!  I’d post the rest of the weekend details, but it’d just end up being a long rambling of amazement on my part, and ridiculous intensity from the men and women who were competing as individuals.  Let’s just say I was awed by both competitors and the crowd support, regardless of who was competing – and I have newfound inspiration to step up my intensity.  I may not make the games next year or the year after or ever, but it gives me something to strive for.  What an unbelievable weekend.  Pics on FB – there are tons of them.

Week of the games…

Friday – found out Nathan can’t compete, format for the men is now Johnny & Dave doing the Stadium, Trenton & I doing the Hill run, Dave & I doing the North Pad/OHS+pullup WOD.

Wednesday & Thursday – Rest.  Affiliate Cup wods were posted wednesday.  After a strategy meeting, I’m slated to do the hill run and the OHS/pullup wod.  Katie & Shelly will be doing all 3, Johnny and Nathan doing the Stadium, with Dave doing the run w/ me, and Nathan doing the OHS/PU wod w/ me.

Tuesday – 7pm WOD – BS/PU max, FS/Dip max, 5km row – my choice.  ** Did BS, but passed on the PU.  Couldn’t get my 295 again, just missed it twice.  Hit 285 without any real problems though.  Managed to do a free handstand for 4 seconds, couldn’t get 5, haha

Monday – LAST TEAM WOD – in a team of 3, 2 working at a time, complete, in order by exercise within the round:

3 x (500m row, 50 pushups, 50 situps)
3 x (10 185lb BS, 10 53lb KB Swing, 20 pullups)
3 km row
3 x (25 185lb DL, 25 pushups)


4th of July weekend – Cornerstone bball tournament, going out w/ the guys, a long drive, a few cheat meals, and a lot of Porto’s.  Good times.  I owe Dave, Viv & Hanz for helping take care of my mess, haha – and I need to show D Woo some Crossfit stuffs.

070209 the rest of the week (062909)

After the team workout on Monday, I didn’t update or track anything.  I may end up doing once a week updates w/ WODs and times – while cutting out the food (that is, until I either plateau or start feeling like crap for some reason)…

Tuesday** – 6am – AMRAP in 20 – 5 thrusters, 7 hang power cleans, 10 SDHPall done w/ 95 lbs on the bar – 9 rounds – high for the day?

Wednesday – 1015pm – Walnut rec bball game – felt good to make it rain on a good team… They started man, went 3-2, box + 1, and back to man.  Everyone was playing well on offense, and on defense, up until a certain point, we were making it difficult on them.  As a team, we need to focus more on crashing boards and not just rely on Henry and Adam, but it was a very good game.

Thursday – 6am – For time: 50, 35, 20 of wall balls and pullups – 12:48?  Not enough sleep (read: somewhere around 3-3.5 hours).  Caffeine is no substitute for sleep – throw in that I played the entire game on Wednesday, and I probably added another 1-2 min to my time… Headed to SF tonight.  After work, hit up Porto’s for Rach, out to Dave/Viv’s place, and roll out.  I will probably knock out in 12 seconds.

Friday – SF Crossfit @ Kelly Starret’s place?  Game Fri night at Saint Ignatius (sp?) 

** Watched Public Enemies before it came out on tuesday night – good movie, great character by Johnny Depp, though I think Christian Bale was a little too stiff in the movie.  It was a better movie than Transformers, but not nearly as entertaining.  If you have 15 bucks to spend and you’re not a super FBI/Dillinger fan, I’d say Transformers in IMAX, hands down.

062909 – Team WOD

Workout: Team WOD @ 630p TBD

700am – [4] – 2 amylu sausages, 4 oz Green Machine naked juice, 1 larabar
1030am – 1-2 tbsp peanut butter
1230pm – [4] – 4 oz rotisserie chicken, 2 bell peppers, 1 apple w/ PB


062609 – decisions decisions…

Workout: To happy hour or not to happy hour.  I have a basketball tournament this weekend where I’ll have a game at 8pm tonight… but the guys want to do happy hour, and I put the idea of Grace in Tim’s head, and now Tim and Pat are going to try to do Grace.  ARRRGH.  I could do it, but I don’t know if/how it would mess w/ bball… Considering the workout will only (hopefully) take me 4 min… maybe I can do it… but between the WOD last night, the game tomorrow night, and the Patch on Saturday before another game saturday… yeesh… i’m going to be destroyed after the weekend…!

6PM Grace: 30 x 135lb Clean & Jerk – 3:35, PR by 1:26.  Strategy would have put me under 3:30, maybe under 3:20…

700am – [4] – muscle milk light protein shake (4p, 2c), 4 cherries, 1 watermelon
      pluot, and 2 tsp raw sunflower seeds
I am having issues with posting my food everyday – it’s starting to become tedious.  I manage most of what I eat pretty well, so I don’t worry about it too much anymore though… to continue tracking food or to not continue…

062509 – Team WOD

Workout: in a team of 3  – (30 x 100m sprints||<individually> 50, 35, 20 of Pullups, Pushups, Situps, Box Jumps, 65lb Thrusters || 1 mile buddy carry)

Nutrition: zone through the day, up until after the team wod, where I had a 2 block post-workout meal of eggs and sweet potatoes, but my actual dinner was 2 slices of corn pizza w/ sausage… while watching Transformers – which was DOPE.  Transforming in IMAX, some great action scenes, and Megan Fox were all WOW…!

062409 – Hoops

Workout: Rest + Walnut Rec @ 9p

700am – [4] – 2 amylu sausages, 1 cheese roll, 1 apple… could use some fat
1100am – [4] – 6 oz canned tuna, 1/2 avocado, hmmm… what to get for carbs…
**didn’t track the rest of the day, but stayed zone.  It’s becoming increasingly
easier to stay zone w/o measuring and tracking, as measuring and portioning
through the day has become almost second nature.  Besides, remembering 
what was eaten during the day is not that hard…

[8a] – YES.  got 8 hours of sleep and it was AWESOME.

062309 – OHS

Workout: 600am – 3 x 3 OHS (85% of max – previously 175, or 148.75)
        (95[WU] x 7, 115[WU] x 5, 135[WU] x 5, 155 x 3, 155 x 3, 155 x 3)
    After the OHS, I messed around w/ some BW OHS and managed to get out 
         6 reps before having to dump the bar… could I have done more if I didn’t
         do everything else yesterday and today? probably, but I’m good w/ it.
         Finished up w/ 15 hip/back extensions, 25 ghd situps, 25 hip extensions

     530am – [2] – zone bar (getting back to the point where i’m eating too many)
     730am – [4] – 1 peach, 2 string cheese, zone bar (no add’l fat)
     1230pm – [4] – 6 oz salmon, 1 string cheese, 2-ish blocks of beet salad, 
             1 block blueberries, 2 block strawberries
     430pm – [4] – 2 chicken apple sausage, 1 peach, 1 slice whole wheat + PB
     800pm – [4?] – 4-5 oz chicken, 1.5 slice Zelo’s Corn w/ sausage, 1/2 beet salad

[6B] – need more sleep…