So saturday of last week was my 1 year at TCA (7/18/9) – it feels like it hasn’t been that long, but the changes from me then to me now are shocking. I am much leaner, faster, stronger, more flexible, i have more endurance, etc, etc. The list goes on. Thanks Eric & Vanessa for putting up with me the past year, hah! And thanks for letting me do the programming this week. I hope there aren’t too many complaints…!
Monday – 6am Christine – 8:17 – PR by 45 seconds (previous of 9:02). I was completely gassed by the end, but my only stops were 2x in the middle of my last box jumps… and only for 2-3 seconds at most. I rowed at 1:50, 1:50 and 1:55 roughly – it’s starting to get to the point where I need to transition and row quicker in order to continue to make up time… feels great!! Today is day II of gluten free paleo zone at 50% carbs – with 50% of the 50% coming in the post workout meal. So far so good – I also tried not eating before the 6am wod, seems to be ok…
Tuesday: AMRAP 10 (7 Clean + Overheads, 10 Burpees) – 4 rounds, 7 cleans, 1 burpee. This workout was harder than expected – I was completely dripping by the end of it. I’m just glad my hamstrings didn’t cramp up, as they had started to give me issues monday night. Tomorrow definitely = rest day.
Wednesday: basketball – dumbass coordinator sent us the wrong schedule. we had a bye this week that we didn’t find out about until we were all there.
Thursday: 6am – last WOD that I programmed – 6 rounds, part of 7 (I think I counted wrong before…). WOD was: AMRAP 15 min (10 wall balls, 10 KB swings [2 pood], 200m run). I.F.’d last night from 7pm (last meal) until 7am (PWO). I know it’s not THAT much of a fast, but I plan to stretch it out in the coming days, starting at 2x/week, then to 3x/week. A lot of this has to do with scheduling, but if i’m up and workign out at 6am w/ a PWO meal at 7am… that would mean my last meal has to start pushing 4pm!! I ate my last meal today at 430P, no food until something light right before tmr morning!
Friday: 6AM FGB: 329! woohoo!! didn’t break 330 like Nathan thought I could, but for coming off my first fast and my body not knowing why I’m starving it – i’m ok w/ that. I can probably make up a little on the push press and maybe a couple calories and a couple more SDHP’s… I’d like to get to the point where in order to get a higher score I have to move FASTER instead of take less breaks. Will I get to 5 min on, 1 min off x 3 without stopping anytime soon? not sure. Score was (121, 105, 103). Will post breakdown from there later.
Saturday: 9am – Stadium team WOD: in order (for me, incl. rest) – 30 wall balls, 30 KB swings, 300m row, rest, 30 box jumps, 30 push press, 30 deadlifts: 22:40