Workout: TBA – supposed to be a walnut league game, but it got postponed due to excessive scheduling for 715PM games. Now… to rest, stretch, relax…? light WOD? – just did a bunch of pullups – rattled off 22 before coming off the bar… need to work on doing more butterflies now that my shoulder is starting to heal. My grip was starting to give out on me…
645AM – [2] – 1 amylu chicken apple sausage, 1 small v8 (short 1 block carbs)
915AM – [4] – 2 egg whites, 1 egg, 2 oz turkey, 1 medium banana (3 blocks),
1 orange (2 blocks), peanut butter and 6-8 cashews – made up for the missed
carb block from the pre-metrolink breakfast.
115PM – [4] – 4 oz turkey, 7 oz sugar snap peas, 2 bell peppers, handful of almonds
and a dab of peanut butter.
430PM – [2] – 1 amylu chicken apple sausage, 1 orange, short on fats, will make up
for it later.
730PM – [?] – Zelo’s – 1 mixed green salad, 2 slicese of sausage pizza w/ roasted garlic
KOM commences in 3 days. I am part nervous, part excited, and part of me just wants to get it done. If you do the math… doing the middle 50 miles of the 109 route miles on sunday, leaving us with 59 miles remaining. The ride is listed at 12,000+ ft of climbing, and if we put that at 12,250 (if it was 12,500, i’m sure they’d say 12,500), and we rode 6900ft in that first 50, that leaves us with 59 miles to ride and 5350 ft of climbing remaining, meaning we will be going from riding a 2.6% average grade down to a 1.7% average grade, meaning further that the front and tail 25-29 miles should be 35% easier than the middle 50. How much the first 25 miles wrecks us for the middle 50, and how much the middle 50 wrecks us for the last 25 is yet to be seen, but as long as we make those checkpoints, I’ll be happy.